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FOSS4G-Be: A one-day conference on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in Belgium

Published on: 10/09/2015 Event Archived
The event will be hosted at the BEL on the Tour & Taxis site
Avenue du Port 86c/3002, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.

After different successful events, such as OSGeo Ghent (2013), beOpenGISfr (2014) and the geospatial devroom at FOSDEM (2015), the Dutch speaking and French speaking Open GIS communities in Belgium have decided to join their forces in a Belgian chapter of the OSGEO foundation and to organise the first FOSS4G Belgium on 29th of October 2015, at the Environment and Energy Agency of Brussels.


It will be a day of conferences, demonstrations, debates and meetings about OSGeo topics. It will also be an opportunity to bring together the community of users, developers, policy makers or just curious FOSS geomatics.


There will be three parallel tracks:

  • Plenary sessions will present show cases of FOSS4G usages within business, administration, education and research.
  • The side track will be dedicated to interactive demonstrations for IT-Officers, with more concrete issues linked to the introduction and use of FOSS4G into a specific institutional environment.
  • The dev track will be a sort of dev room and presentation of latest developments within FOSS4G.

We are looking both for contributors in form of a presentation and for sponsors for the event.

For more information:

Expected Participants:

The event is expected to gather around 250 to 400 people from business, administration, academia and civil society.

State: Open


Contact email




08:00-09:00 - Setup of exhibition space

09:00-09:30 - Registration

09:30-10:00 - Welcome and presentation of OSGeo/OSGeo-BE

10:00-10:30 - Plenary Keynotes

10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 - Concurrent Sessions: Main track - Side track 1 - Side track 2

12:30-14:00 - Lunch Break

14:00-16:00 - Concurrent Sessions: Main track - Side track 1 - Side track 2

16:00-16:30 - Coffee Break

16:30-17:00 - Conclusions and Outlook for OSGeo-BE

>19:00 - Networking

Physical location
The event will be hosted at the BEL on the Tour & Taxis site
Avenue du Port 86c/3002, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.