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European GovTech Technology Scanning | Draft Report

Published on: 02/04/2024 Document

Here you can read and download the draft of the Report "Technology Scanning Study to support the development of a Foresight Study within the GovTech Connect Pilot Project," prepared by the GovTech Connect Consortium for the European Commission DG CNECT in February 2024. 

As a preliminary version for early publication, the report aims to explore the technological landscape within the European public sector, focusing on its integration with the GovTech ecosystem. The study assesses the impact of various technologies on the European GovTech ecosystem through a comprehensive examination of the main technology categories: Artificial Intelligence, Communication Technologies, Computing Infrastructures, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Digital Identity and Security, Immersive Technologies, the Internet of Things and Smart Devices, and Software and Service Technologies.

Key findings include:

  • AI has emerged as a pivotal force, driving advancements in public service personalisation, decision-making, and citizen engagement. Nonetheless, there are risks associated with the use of AI, and how to mitigate those risks when engaging with small suppliers remains an important aspect.  
  • The integration of 5G networks is transforming government operations by facilitating real-time access to information and supporting a constellation of other technologies.  
  • Computing infrastructures like cloud computing are enabling flexibility, resilience, and cost savings, while Distributed Ledger Technologies promise enhanced transparency and trust in public operations.
  • In the sphere of Digital Identity and Security, advancements are streamlining government-citizen interactions, with initiatives like the European Digital Identity pushing the boundaries of accessibility and interoperability across member states.
  • Immersive Technologies are opening new avenues for public service delivery, and the Internet of Things is catalysing the development of smart city initiatives, reflecting a growing trend towards a more interconnected public service framework. 
  • Software and Service Technologies continue to underpin digital transformation, facilitating robust digital ecosystems across the continent. 

The report also emphasizes the dynamic and potential-filled nature of the European GovTech ecosystem, suggesting policy recommendations:

  • AI Integration and Ethical Frameworks: The EU should continue to foster AI's growth within the public sector while developing robust ethical frameworks to ensure AI is used responsibly, particularly when it comes to data management and citizen interaction. The EU should also consider a regulatory framework that doesn’t hinder the innovation of new and small companies like startups.  
  • 5G Deployment and Digital Divide: Intensify efforts to roll out 5G infrastructure, ensuring equitable access across regions and promoting the interoperability of networks at a pan-European level. This will help address the severe regional digital divide in Europe.  
  • Incentivising Cloud and Edge Computing: Invest in understanding the relationship between the use of cloud and edge computing adoption across the public sector, and cybersecurity and data sovereignty. Incentives testbeds and regulatory sandboxes as safe environments to understand the technology's risks and benefits.  
  • Blockchain for Transparency: Cautiously study the application of Distributed Ledger Technologies to enhance transparency in public services, particularly in supply chain management and public records. Frame regulatory ex-ante policies that can incentivise startups to be players in the market.  
  • Universal Digital Identity: Consider the universal adoption and standardisation of digital identity frameworks to streamline public service delivery and foster a digital single market. 
  • Smart City Investments: Support IoT initiatives in urban and rural development projects, emphasising the creation of smart cities that can enhance living standards through better resource management. 
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications: Invest in and support AR and VR technologies for training, education, and citizen engagement purposes, aligning with the broader vision of a digitally inclusive society. Incentivise the education of marginalised and  
  • Data Security and Privacy: Strengthen the focus on cybersecurity across all technology implementations, ensuring citizens' data privacy and security through stringent policies and the deployment of advanced security solutions. 
  • Cross-sector Collaboration: Encourage cross-sector collaboration and the sharing of best practices among EU member states, leveraging joint research initiatives and pilot projects to test and 


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