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Technology and Innovation in Central and Eastern Europe

Published on: 21/05/2024 Document

In the report, PUBLIC examines regional strengths and opportunities across the UK’s five priority technologies - artificial intelligence, semiconductors, quantum, engineering biology, and future telecoms - in nine Central and Eastern European countries in order to inform the UK’s strategic ambitions around international tech partnerships.

From rapid progression in AI technology to breakthroughs in quantum computing, the CEE is solidifying its position as one of the fastest-growing and most promising hubs for innovation and emerging technology. Drawing on 50+ interviews and engagement with 100+ regional stakeholders, our research highlights a dynamic science and technology ecosystem in CEE with high potential for UK partnerships. Aligned with the UK’s International Tech Strategy, this report underscores the strategic importance of UK-CEE collaborations in advancing global tech leadership and fostering mutual collaboration in the region.

In this report, you'll find a practical approach to building future partnerships, including:

  • Understanding key areas outlined in the International Tech Strategy (ITS) and their significance
  • Exploring innovation hubs in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Romania
  • Examining successful endeavors and collaborative opportunities in the CEE region, aligned with the UK's interests
  • Recommendations for leveraging synergies and strengths to drive innovation and collaboration

Download the full report here: Technology and Innovation in Central and Eastern Europe (


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