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Online meeting “Synergies for innovative Solutions” – 12/07/2023

Published on: 27/06/2023 Event

The European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB, invites you to an Information-sharing and work meeting to strengthen the contribution of innovative businesses to the creation of a new generation of services to citizens and businesses. 

The aim of the meeting is to present the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB and the framework for cooperation and participation of businesses in its actions, as well as the presentation of innovative applications that make use of modern technologies.
The meeting will take place online on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 , from 17:00 to 18:30 (EEST), with the cooperation of SEKEE , HeTiA , Elevate Greece and the entities of the innovation ecosystem that support the hub.

To participate in the event, register at




Agenda (Draft): 

17:00-17:05 Welcome & Introduction

17:05-17:20 GR digiGOV-innoHUB Challenges & Services to SMEs

17:20-18:00 SEKEE pitches with case studies etc

18:00-18:05 GR digiGOV-innoHUB Bootcamp announcement 

18:05-18:30 Open Q & A


Virtual location