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Event Report: "Blockchain technology and its applications in Public Administration, institutions and companies"

Event Report: Blockchain Technology in Public Administration

Published on: 16/03/2023 News

On 10/3/2023, the conference on “Synergies for the future: The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure and the European Digital Innovation Hubs” was concluded with great success.

The conference was organized by the National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures GRNET SA. , body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, the European program ELEDGER (Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure) and the European Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV–innoHUB . The purpose of the conference was to present blockchain technology and its applications to Public Administration, academic and research institutions and businesses.

Members of the Greek blockchain community, executives of organizations and services, businesses and citizens interested in designing and creating services with blockchain technologies, as well as members of academic and research organizations in the fields of technology and science, watched the presentations and participated in the discussion with great interest.


The event was welcomed by the Deputy President of GRNET SA, A. Kakarountas, with special reference to the innovative technology actions of GRNET and the Managing Director of Elevate Greece M. Dritsas, who, among other things, referred to the register of innovative companies and the synergies with the innovation hub GR digiGOV-innoHUB.

During the conference, topics related to blockchain technologies were presented, examples and best practices of application in other European countries that could also be applied in Greece. Representatives of innovative businesses and organizations presented the wider ecosystem that can utilize blockchain infrastructures, creating new services for sectors of the economy with applications in agri-food and health, tourism and transport, culture and the wider Public sector. In addition, partners from the countries of Cyprus, the Basque Country, as well as from the European blockchain services infrastructure – EBSI and the participants from Greece in blockchain technology pilot programs, presented their relevant international experience. 

The event was held with the support of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry   and the Athens Startup Business Incubator – Th.E.A.

You can watch the video of the Workshop in the following links

Part 1

Video URL

Part 2

Video URL

    Presentation slides

    Presentation Speaker
    “Synergies for the future:
    The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure
    and the European Digital Innovation Hubs”
    Michael Dritsas, CEO of Elevate Greece SA
    EBSI - Synergies for the future
    GRNET @ EBSI: The Greek participation and the forthcoming Large Scale Pilots Panos Louridas, GRNET, European Blockchain Partnership representative
    CERTH/ITI @ EBSI: Paving the road to self-sovereign identity with blockchain: The Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure (ELEDGER) & EBSI Conformant wallets Kostas Votis,Director of Visual Analytics Lab, CERTH/ITI
    GR digiGOV-innoHUB Yiannis Kotsis Giannarakis, GRNET, GR digiGOV-innoHUB Coordinator
    GR digiGOV-innoHUB -Challenges for the Public Sector Xenophon Tsilimparis, GRNET, GR digiGOV-innoHUB Project Manager
    Secure information in cross-border data spaces Gorka Oteiza, Innovation Engineer, Lantik
    Views from the Industry
    BlockChain in Transportation & Logistics Kostas Haniotis, Chairman ILME, Institute of Logistics Management
    Investing in the BlockChain Ecosystem - The view from an Industry Leader Antonis Cassano, BusDev Manager Unisystems - Pleiades IoT Cluster
    EBSI for the Public Sector
    Use Cases for Health George Dafoulas, MD, Clinical Consultant, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly and Citiesnet SA, Expert of KEDE Health Committee
    A new way of exchanging information: verifiable credentials in a decentralized context Iraklis Varlamis, GRNET, Director for Digital Governance







    More information