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SUC23 Import, Create, and Export Strings translations for specific modules

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 01/07/2010 Discussion Archived

Requirement: The user shall be able to annotate a string symbol as utilized in one or more modules, by specifying a module name when importing strings, or when creating new strings, and later browse just those strings annotated as utilized in a (set of) specific module(s). Requirement: The user shall be able to export translations into a language from string symbols that have been previously annotated as utilized in one or more modules. See requirement above. | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Importing strings annotated for specific modules ------------------------------------------------ Impact: The feature is architecturaly supported by the system, whose design already includes in the information model the concept of "Module", as a lightweight annotation mechanism for String. See ETTY03 TRAColeccionModulos and ETTY04 TRAModulo. Specifically: Import (SUC10 Use Case "Import") already annotates imported strings, and already strings that are imported again, as utilized in a module name, taken from the file name of the interchange contents read into the import, or a default configured in the root translations catalog. The user may override the module name taken from input file, or the default, before executing the Import, by entering manually the name of the module with which to annotate the imported strings.See SUC09 Use Case "Verify Import Batch content and Import parameters". SUC36 Use Case Generate Status Report by Modules and Languages already supports the reporting of translations status for each module. SUC41 Use Case Browse Translations into a Language for Strings annotated as originated in a subset of Modules, already allows to query from the translations screen, for strings annotated as used in specific modules. EXTENSION: Extend SUC09 Use Case "Verify Import Batch content and Import parameters" as: In addition to manually entering a module name to annotate strings with, when reviewing the properties of an import, prompt the user with a list of existing modules, such that the user may select some (or none) of the existing modules. Creating strings annotated for specific modules ------------------------------------------------ EXTENSION: Extend SUC21 Use Case "Request additional String to be translated", by prompting the user on the new string request creation page, with a list of existing modules, such that the user may select some (or none) of the existing modules, or enter a new, non-existing module name. | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exporting strings of specific modules ------------------------------------_ Impact: The application already supports the exporting of just the strings annotated as used in any of a number of modules (or not annotated at all), in the general Export use case. The user interface for Export offers all the options, included module selection. Because these are many options to fill-in, and it may be error prone to set up all the export parameters, another specialized Use Case SUC47 "Obtain translations for a language, ready to distribute for gvSIG-desktop extension", without requesting all the Export parameters, fills-in most of the required parameters without user intervention, to allow an export compatible with gvSIG desktop i18n extension. EXTENSION: Add to the page to request export for gvSIG Use Case SUC47 "Obtain translations for a language, ready to distribute for gvSIG-desktop extension", a list to specify the modules whose strings the user wants to be included in the export.

Operating SystemAll
ScopeMain Service


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