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gvSIG-i18n Product 1.16.0 1.16.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 21/09/2009 Last update: 01/07/2024 Archived

package : gvSIG-i18n Product
processor type : Any,Any

gvSIG-i18n RELEASE NOTES ======================== | | version --------------- | | **RESOLVED** ETTY02-2 TRAIdioma: Remove unused relationships referenceLanguages baseLanguages EXPO01 Export with unicode escape also for chars 127 - 255 I10N 01 Localize user interface screens for UC Create Language Create Strings Copy Transalations into languages ES and EN INTL 01 Make optional the availability of Plone products ZopeChinaPak and CJKSplitter SECU04 Alternative optinal simpler security model that does not create so many Zope User Groups UC 25 Plone paste : do not allow UC26 Plone copy: do not allow | | **KNOWN BUGS** IBWR01 Opera: Translations Screen error in columns layout because lack of support for HTML rowspan BUG UI Textual view should not be available in root TRACatalog element (now raises an exception) IMPO Create missing Translations : Report the number of created translations IMPO Copy Language : Estimate correctly the number of expected write operations UITR Translations page::Reference Language Selector::Names of languages not wekk known to Plone are not shown UITR Translation details are not shown in editor, if the connected user does not have role TRATraductor or TRAReviewer, or TRACoordinator, or TRAManager | | **POSTPONED** ADMI01 Upon translations catalog deletion, delete user groups controlling accesses to the translations catalog ADMI02 Uninstall gvSIG-i18n Plone Product ADMI07 Add Action to Rebuild strings and translations Plone catalogs COMU02 Edit and publish pages to present the gvSIG-i18n product to OSOR communities DOCU01 Edit and publish gvSIG-i18n user documentation DOCU02 Edit and publish gvSIG-i18n install documentation DOCU03 Edit and publish gvSIG-i18n administration documentation EXPO02 Export translations with archive name matching the gvSIG standard format for localization archives EXPO03 Detect if translations into a language have been changed lately EXPO04 Export translations in XLIFF format EXPO05 Export Translation Memories in TMX format FEAT01 Use Cases in support of Translation Memories IDIO02 Show flags including the ones not pre-defined in Plone IMPO03 Block/unblock changes to translations while importing IMPO04 Import translations in XLIFF format IMPO05 Import Translation Memories in TMX format IMPO 06 Present duration estimations in the Import Progress report IMPO 07 Automatically refresh import process progress report page IMPO 08 Disable framework Use Case SUC 16 Import onto an element a Zipped archive with XML file and binary contents IMPO 09 Disable framework Use Case SUC 15 Export an element and its contens a Zipped archive with XML file and binary contents Place the external methods inside the custom folder in portal_skins PLAT01 Port to Plone 3.x UC15-2 Use Case Extension "Change Translation and/or Translation Status detecting unintended multiuser translation overwrites UC18 Use Case "Examine User Role assignments for All languages and specific languages" UC19 Use Case "Establish User Role assignments for All languages and specific languages" UC22 Use Case "Invalidate String translations to all languages" UI 01 Avoid Delete of some types of elements UITR07 Add to translations screen an informative note for color shading UITR08 Send pending changes to server UITR10v2 Batch status changes UITR13 Show translations statuses as letters not just as icons UITR14 Remove go-to-translation action when clicking on a translation's main language flag | | ------------------------------ | | version --------------- | | **RESOLVED** EATR01 Remove Attribute pathDelRaiz from all entities EATR02 Remove the Type attribute from catalog schemas UC24 Use Case Copy Translations from Language | | ------------------------------ | | version --------------- | | **RESOLVED** ADMI08 Describe recipe to create and mount an additional file to store the translations ADMI09 Downloadable in tar.gz format BUG AttributeError TRARenderExecutionDetails BUG Security access error message prints also a Python dict BUG TRACatalogo is not initialized when supplying an id UC21 Use Case Add String to be translated UC23 Create Language | | ------------------------------ | | version --------------- | | **RESOLVED** Same as with the right version number in file version.txt | | ------------------------------ | | version --------------- | | **VOID AND NOT RELEASED** | | ------------------------------ | | version --------------- | | NOte: this version release has been removed from distribution, as it was built with the wrong version number in version.txt **RESOLVED** BUG Init role acquisition for TRAColeccionCadenas fails ETTY13 TRAColeccionSolicitudesCadenas ETTY14 TRASolicitudCadena | | ------------------------------ | | version --------------- | | **RESOLVED** SECU03 Add Developer Role | | ------------------------------ | | version 1.2 --------------- | | **RESOLVED** BUG ADMI05 Complete elimination of TRACatalogo instances BUG ADMI06 Avoid re-catalogging TRACadena and TRATraduccion UITR01 Label of Reference Language selector menu UITR02 Do not color-shade translation rows in reference languages UITR03 Remove go-to-translation in language action on .... UITR04 Blink when clicking on Save button and there is no translation change UITR05 Remove &quot orange&quot error shading for translations sent with changes consisting in leading or trailing spaces UITR06 Show es en as reference languages by default when opening translations page UITR12 Add cursor buttons at the bottom of the translations page ZMNG02 Meeting to evaluate v 1.2 and plan for next iterations ZMNG03 Edit Iteration Progress Report ZMNG04 Edit Iteration plans for versions 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 | | ------------------------------ | | version 1.1 --------------- | | **RESOLVED** PERF06 Do not add any index to portal_catalog PERF02 Move TRACadena and TRATraduccion instances out of portal_catalog PERF01 Detailed Deterministic Time Profiling PERF04 Search TRATraduccion instances in language-specific performance-tuned catalogs PERF03 Search TRACadena instances in their own performance-tuned catalogs PERF05 Scale to 70 languages and 7000 strings per language with sub-second translation interactions UITR17 Time profiling inspector ZMNG01 Meeting to evaluate v 1.1 and plan for next iterations | | ------------------------------ | | version 1.0 --------------- | | **RESOLVED** UITR16 Translate with Asynchronous interactions without page refresh SECU01 Use Case driven Security assessment for connected Users UC17-2 Use Case extension Export with encodings UITR18 Change the translations screen layout to ressemble that of famous desktop translation tools. | | ------------------------------ | | version 0.9 --------------- | | **RESOLVED** ETTY00 TRACatalogo ETTY01 TRAColeccionIdiomas ETTY02 TRAIdioma ETTY03 TRAColeccionModulos ETTY04 TRAModulo ETTY05 TRAColeccionCadenas ETTY06 TRACadena ETTY07 TRATraduccion ETTY08 TRAColeccionInformes ETTY09 TRAInforme ETTY10 TRAColeccionImportaciones ETTY11 TRAImportacion ETTY12 TRAContenidoIntercambio INFO01 Information structure: Catalog Language Module ... SECU02 Actor Roles Manager Coordinator ... UC01 Use Case Verify Translations Catalog Initialization UC02 Use Case Initialize Translations Catalog UC03 Use Case Configure Translations Catalog UC04 Use Case View the properties of an Element UC05 Use Case Advanced View on an Element... UC06 Use Case Create Import Batch UC07 Add content to Import Batch UC08 Use Case Delete content from Import Batch UC09 Use Case Verify Impoty Batch content and Import parameters UC10 Use Case Import UC11 Use Case Show list of Languages in translations catalog UC12 Use Case Create missing Translations UC13 Use Case Generate Status Report by Languages UC14 Use Case Browse Translations UC15 Use Case Change Translation and/or Translation Status UC16 Use Case Comment on Translation UC17 Use Case Export UC20 Use Case Delete Import Batch | | ------------------------------

Last update: 24/10/2019

Last update: 24/10/2019
