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Data Download

This open dataset includes the list of use cases collected for the purpose of the Public Sector Tech Watch, concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and other emerging technologies within the public sector. Jointly with the collected use cases, the observatory has available the complete metadata and taxonomy information about the cases in the separate files below.

Please consider that this dataset is currently a work in progress and is set to be regularly enriched with additional use cases. If you notice any mistake or you would like to share some suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to Contact us.

The information below is available in CSV format and with a CC-BY 4.0 license. The same datasets are also available with DCAT-AP metadata from the EU Joint Research Centre Open Data Catalogue.

Last update of the dataset: 30th of May, 2024.

How to cite

European Commission (2024): Public Sector Tech Watch latest dataset of selected cases. European Commission [Dataset]. PID: