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IMAPS report 2020 edition

2020 highlights

Published on: 29/10/2020 Last update: 24/03/2023 Document

We are delighted to announce the publication of the IMAPS report 2020 edition!


The Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service (IMAPS) is a solution that helps public administrations evaluate, monitor and improve the behavioural interoperability maturity of their digital public services. IMAPS has been developed under the ISA2 Programme of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Informatics).

IMAPS provides public administrations with :

  • An online self-assessment tool free of charge;
  • An interoperability maturity score and report; and
  • A set of recommendations and good practices, aligned with the EIF, on how to improve the interoperability maturity level of their digital public service.

Scope and approach of the analysis

The study covers fourty digital public service assessments from eight countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Norway) in 2020. All assessments were carried out with IMAPS version v1.1.1.

The services assessed cover all administrative levels (local, regional, national, European, international), while public services delivered at the national level remain predominant.

With regards to the type of digital public services assessed, most of the services assessed relate to medical/health (25%), followed by services provided in the domain of social care (15%), procurement (12.5%), IT services (10%), citizenship and education (7.5%).

While the focus of the analysis is on the 2020 results, it presents in a comparative view the results from IMAPS assessments completed during the period 2017-2019. 

Highlights of 2020 results

The analysis of the IMAPS results shows that the digital public services assessed are on average below the Essential level (level 3). Taking the perspective of the IMAPS service areas, the services asssesed score below the Essential level for service delivery and service management. In contrast, interoperability attributes related to service consumption are on average above the Essential level.

According to the IMAPS maturity scale (levels 1-5), Essential means that the digital public service implements the essential best practices for interoperability. 

In terms of alignment with European Interoperability Framework (EIF) standards, IMAPS attributes related to legal interoperability received the highest score, while digital public services showed lower maturity on semantic, technical and organisational interoperability principles.

Please check the report for more insights.

Document structure

  • An Executive Summary provides an overall summary of the report.
  • Chapter 1 presents the overall context of IMAPS, the IMAPS model and its specialisations (legal, organisational, semantic and technical). It explains how IMAPS fits into the suite of interoperability assessment solutions developed under the ISA2 programme (Single Interoperability Assessment Gateway). Finally, Chapter illustrates how IMAPS contributes to the implementation of the Single Digital Gateway.
  • Chapter 2 describes the methodological approach and scope for the selection and analysis of the IMAPS assessment results.
  • Chapters 3-8 present the results from different perspectives: overall interoperability maturity levels (Chapter 3), EIF interoperability levels (Chapter 4), interoperability enablers and manifestations (Chapter 5) and complexity of services (Chapter 6). The detailed results per attribute (question) are presented per service area (service delivery/consumption/management) in Chapter 7. Finally, Chapter 8 looks at the results from an EIF implementation viewpoint.
  • Annexes 1–10 provide additional information to support interpretation of the results. The topics covered include IMAPS attributes and related recommendations, distribution analysis of the results, mapping of IMAPS attributes to the EIF and EIRA version 3.1.0 building blocks. More details on the Single Interoperability Assessment Gateway (SIAG) and the value contribution to the Single Digital Gateway can also be found in the Annexes 8 and 9.



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