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RDF validator 1.0.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 22/04/2021 Last update: 24/06/2024


The Interoperability Test Bed is pleased to announce the availability of release 1.0.0 of its RDF validator. This is the validator's first milestone release as an alternative to using the validator's latest snapshot, allowing users to use stable releases for on-premise validator deployments.


The primary means of using the validator is via Docker image, either directly to create a container, or as a base image for custom validator images. The release's image is published on the Docker Hub as isaitb/shacl-validator:1.0.0.

Details on configuring and using the validator are provided in the RDF validation guide, with additional details for on-premise installations in the production installation guide.

Change Log

The list of changes included in each validator release can be consulted in the RDF validator change log.

Last update: 24/06/2024

Docker image (isaitb/shacl-validator)

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)