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First DACHLI Conference on Open Government Data

Published on: 17/08/2012 Event Archived
Heizungsmuseum Wien
Malfattigasse 4
1120 Vienna

The first in a series of D-A-CH-LI (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, i.e. the German speaking part of Europe) conferences is to take place on 4 October 2012 in Vienna. Later other conferences in Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are to follow, including an event in Luxembourg (European Commission) to close the series. To discuss open data issues in the four countries and share practices and approaches.

The open data movement in these countries has voiced some concern that the series should not result in the German speaking countries forming an island where open data moves at a different, slower, speed than elsewhere in Europe, but should indeed be a catalyst and a way to connect to other European initiatives and experiences.

Registration for the first conference, on 4 October in Vienna, has been opened. Early bird tickets are available until the end of August.

Expected Participants:

Further information in the conference website:

And in the ePSI platform:

Physical location
Heizungsmuseum Wien
Malfattigasse 4
1120 Vienna