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How to use open data for your research: Workshop outcomes

A workshop for students and academics

Published on: 19/12/2023 News

On 19 October, 2023, the “How to use open data for your research” workshop was hosted by The workshop had great success, with the participation of over 200 students, academics, and other attendees. The goal of the workshop was to showcase the relevance and importance of open data for academic purposes.  

How to use open data for your research event visual

During the workshop participants listened to very interesting presentations, delivered by the participating universities, which were the KU Leuven, the University of Amsterdam, and the University of Naples L'Orientale. They also had the chance to participate in a practical assignment performed during the workshop, where they engaged in a hypothetical case in which they had to find and utilize open datasets to arrive at answers. The workshop cloes with a Q&A session where participants asked questions and engaged in interesting dialogues.

For more detailed information on the workshop’s outcomes, you may read this article: Discover the insights of our very first workshop designed for students and academics!

If you would like to explore more of how the session took place, please check the video recording of the workshop.