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Cardinality of 'title' and 'beschreibung'

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 18/07/2016 Discussion

What is the reason to allow more than one e.g. 'titel' and 'beschreibung'? If this for different languages this should be stated explicitly somewhere in the specification.






Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 18/07/2016 - 10:34

I see, the comment say they could contain different paragraphs of text. But is it true for the title? Also, putting them in different fields the sequence may be lost during format changes.

Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 18/07/2016 - 19:34

On page 83 I found these lines in the example:


<ressource>  <uri><…;  ...  <beschreibung>Aktuelle Daten als XML-Datei</beschreibung>  <beschreibung>Current datasets as XML file</beschreibung>  ... </ressource>


This is horrible: the language is not encoded ! And that seems to be a result of not using DCAT (and therefore RDF) as the foundation of the specification.

In Turtle and DCAT the language tagging would look like this:

<> dct:description "Aktuelle Daten als XML-Datei"@de; dct:description "Current datasets as XML file"@en.

And the same in JSON-LD using a language map:

{ "@context": "", "url": "", "description": { "de": "Aktuelle Daten als XML-Datei", "en": "Current datasets as XML file" }, ... }
Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 18/07/2016 - 19:49

Cardinality of titel and description was set to "mutiple" to allow Internationalisation of the descriptive metadata and schema validation at the same time. This is inline with approaches used by DCAT-AP or ADMS and means reusing the invented W3C wheel.


In the technical layer the XML:lang attribute should be used for such purpose.


Thank you for spotting the missing attribute in the non-normative XML example.

We will adapt the XML-instance of the XSD schema to better show how to markup the different language versions of the metadata "beschreibung" and "title".

Christian Horn Mon, 25/07/2016 - 10:08
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Wir werden nun eine Weile brauchen um alle Hinweise zu prüfen und Ihnen dann hier im Portal eine Rückmeldung geben.   Thanks a lot for your input. We will now take some time to review all posted issues. Afterwards you will receive our feedback on this website.
Christian Horn Thu, 27/07/2017 - 16:16

The reason in OGD 2.0 was and still is today in that multiple occurrences of versions in other languages of those strings must be syntactically allowed. This is now stated in the German description of DCAT-AP within the specification.