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Decidim is a digital platform for citizen participation

It’s a free/libre and open-source web-based software, maintained by an extensive and active community. You can use Decidim in a public or private organisation, with hundreds or thousands of potential participants, such as a city council, an association, a university, an NGO, a trade union, a neighbourhood association, or a cooperative.

Decidim, from the Catalan "let’s decide" or “we decide”, is a digital platform for participatory democracy. More specifically, Decidim is a web environment (a framework) produced in Ruby on Rails (a programming language) that allows anybody to create and configure a website to be used in the form of a political network for democratic participation. It is built entirely and collaboratively as free software.

Decidim is a technopolitical project. A digital citizen-participation platform for a democratic city, made openly and collaboratively using free software. It is a public commons infrastructure. Public because it enjoys a clear institutional impetus and commons because the code is open and free, in other words, anyone can see it, use it, copy it, or amend it. It is a platform designed for coordinating citizen-participation processes and spaces, aimed at extending and facilitating access to citizen participation, opening new spaces for deliberation and collaboration in co-designing and co-producing public policies and new spaces for direct participation and democracy, thereby enabling disintermediation and cooperation between citizens, institutions, and organisations of civil society.

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Decidim Free Software Association

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