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Digital infrastructure for nationwide public transport and mobility data

The solution is a fully Transmodel-based platform for public transport data and services for creating custom facing information systems and journey planners.

The whole platform consists of approximately 70 separate components. On a high level, the platform can be split in two, where one half of the platform supports data input from different sources of data, while the other half of the platform provides data output in the form of both consolidated datasets, stream of data and services for creating information systems for public transport.

The data input part of the plattform gathers datastreams and datasets from approximately 150 different sources. This is timetable- and real-time data from all public transport operators in Norway. Maps, roads and paths data from OpenStreetMap. Addresses, places and POI both from OpenStreetMap and the Norwegian Mapping Authority. And, data from all mobility operators who operate services for e-scooter, city bike or shared cars systems. This part of the platform consists of several interfaces for self service delivery portals, quality assurance services for validating incoming data and services to consolidate and harmonise incoming data.

The second part of the platform is all services for accessing all gathered data through open harmonised datasets, datastreams and services for creating customer facing information systems. This consists of many different datasets as this platform acts as a National Access Point for all public transport- and mobility data in Norway. Additionally, this part of the platform delivers open APIs for geocoding, journey planning and other enriching services to provide modern multimodal journey planning APPs. A full set of the services provided is presented on the website.

 An overview of the main components of this platform is shown in this figure.

Dark blue logo that reads "ENTUR", with an orange line running under "EN".
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Organisation icon

Norwegian Railway Directorate (Jernbanedirektoratet)

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