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Ecosystem for Ads - Jobtech Links

Jobtech Links stands as a significant collaborative initiative involving the Swedish Public Employment Service, private job boards, and Statistics Sweden (SCB). The primary objective is to streamline job discovery for individuals and optimise talent acquisition for businesses.

Maria Dalhage, the Project Manager of Jobtech Links, said that "as a public entity, we cannot achieve our mission in isolation. Access to vacancy data and job ads from independent market parties is crucial. This comprehensive data is essential for providing enhanced services to our shared customers."

Commencing in early 2021, this initiative has already manifested a notable impact by amplifying job advertisement visibility by 30%. Such augmentation in visibility translates to a broader audience accessing information about available job opportunities.

Embedded within this collaborative endeavour are four critical success factors vital for fortifying data sharing:

  1. Simplified Data Sharing: The cornerstone lies in simplifying the mechanisms of data sharing. This is achieved through diverse methodologies such as APIs or scraping, ensuring universal accessibility to data, with a focus on aiding smaller enterprises.
  2. Respect for Private Actors: Recognizing and honouring the distinct business models of private entities holds paramount importance. This approach ensures that their participation in data sharing is voluntary and mutually beneficial, fostering a sense of partnership.
  3. Designed for Contribution: The collaborative model is meticulously designed to invite contributions from a diverse spectrum of stakeholders, providing an inclusive platform for innovative and collective input.
  4. Open Sharing of Digital Resources: At the core of this ethos is the unrestricted sharing of digital resources, treating data and code as a digital commons, thereby benefiting a wide array of users and promoting the spirit of reuse.

Additionally, ad links on the national job board, Platsbanken, and the Swedish Public Employment Service's open data are available on Sweden's Data Portal and, promoting transparency and collaboration.

Jobtech Links sets an example for open collaboration's potential to enhance labour market efficiency and inclusivity.



Arbetsförmedlingen and JobTech logos
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Swedish Public Employment Service

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