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EC Open Source Workshops - Computing and Sustainability

Published on: 21/10/2022 Last update: 03/11/2022 Event Archived
Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB), Brussels

Event logo: Open Source Workshops for Computing & Sustainability
Two European Commission directorates, DG DIGIT and DG CONNECT are joining forces to organise a physical event in Brussels on 2 December 2022 to discuss various open source topics relating to Computing and Sustainability.

There are 12 workshops in total, with DIGIT’s 6 workshops focussing on open source Sustainability and CNECT’s on Computing. DIGIT’s workshops explore sustainability from a variety of angles, including its role in an interoperable Europe, managing critical software, creating an EU open source business applications catalogue, cooperation and contribution to open source by European Public Services.  Workshops will benefit from the viewpoints of panellists recognised as experts in the workshop topic.




8:30-9:00 Registration

9:15-9:25 Welcoming and opening session

9:25-10:00 Keynote speeches


10:00-11:30 Parallel Workshop Session 1

Workshop 1.1 Open Source Processors for the Cloud Continuum

Workshop 1.2 The role of OSS in Artificial Intelligence enabled systems: Speeding the AI adoption through OSS 

Workshop 1.3 Building Sustainable Open Source Ecosystems for an Interoperable Europe

Workshop 1.4 Identifying, fixing and managing critical open source software used by European Public Services


11:30-12:00 Coffee Break


12:00-13:30 Parallel Workshop Session 2

Workshop 2.1 Open Source Software and Cloud Services and Applications: On the way to more interoperable cloud services

Workshop 2.2 The potential of the symbiosis of Quantum Computing and OSS: Development of quantum computing OS algorithms and software

Workshop 2.3 Encouraging open-source business applications reuse via the creation of an EU wide Applications Catalogue for European Public Services

Workshop 2.4 Exploring how the European public sector can cooperate and act together to solve the key open source issues they face


13:30-14:30 Lunch Break


14:30-16:00 Parallel Workshop Session 3

Workshop 3.1 Open standards and industrial use for Open Source: Leveraging the sustainability of Open Source projects and increasing competition and interoperability between different steps in value-chains 

Workshop 3.2 Towards a trustworthy and secure ecosystem of OSS: Increasing the reliability and adoption of OSS projects

Workshop 3.3 Agreeing, measuring and encouraging organisational contribution to the open source ecosystem

Workshop 3.4 Exploring practical solutions to ensure long term sustainability of open source software


16:00-16:35 Closing session & next steps

Physical location
Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB), Brussels