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European Parliament's Workshop on legal aspects of Free and Open Source software

Published on: 12/06/2013 Event Archived
European Parliament Bulding - Brussels Meeting room JAN 4 Q 1
Registration form
European Parliament Bulding - Brussels, Meeting room JAN 4 Q 1
This workshop has two panels:
First Panel: Licenses for free and open source software (FOSS):
intellectual property aspects.
Second Panel: Legal aspects of FOSS in public administration.
Chair: Member of the Legal Affairs Committee
An introduction to the most used FOSS licence: the GNU GPL license
Professor Eben Moglen, Columbia Law School
Developing an EU model: the EUPL license
Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz, Developer of the EUPL
A discussion of the different software licensing regimes
Avv. Carlo Piana, Lawyer
Legal aspects of free and open source software in procurement
* Guidelines developed at the EU level, Rishab Ghosh, UNU-MERIT
* National case studies (Philippe Laurent, University of Namur)
* A successful national experience: the LiMux project, Jutta Kreyss,
Landeshauptstadt München
The experience of the EP with free and open source software
Giancarlo Vilella, Director-General, DG ITEC


Expected Participants:

Open to the public (some legal knowledge of FOSS licensing is helpful) 


15.30 - 15.45 Opening remarks: Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, and Rainer Wieland, Vice President of the European Parliament (to be confirmed)
First Panel: "Licenses for free and open source software (FOSS): intellectual property aspects"
Chair: Member of the Legal Affairs Committee
15.45 - 16.00 An introduction to the most used FOSS licence: the GNU GPL license
Professor Eben Moglen, Columbia Law School
16.00 - 16.15 Developing an EU model: the EUPL license
Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz, Developer of the EUPL
16.15- 16.30 A discussion of the different software licensing regimes
Avv. Carlo Piana, Lawyer
16.30 - 16.45 Discussion
16.45 - 16.50 Conclusions: Member of the Legal Affairs Committee
Second Panel: Legal aspects of FOSS in public administration
Chair: Member of the Legal Affairs Committee
16.50 - 17.20 Legal aspects of free and open source software in procurement
* Guidelines developed at the EU level, Rishab Ghosh, UNU-MERIT
* National case studies, Philippe Laurent, University of Namur
* A successful national experience: the LiMux project,
Jutta Kreyss, Landeshauptstadt München
17.20 - 17.35 The experience of the EP with free and open source software
Giancarlo Vilella, Director-General, DG ITEC
17.35 - 17.55 Discussion
17.55 - 18.00 Conclusions: Member of the Legal Affairs Committee
Physical location
European Parliament Bulding - Brussels Meeting room JAN 4 Q 1
Registration form
European Parliament Bulding - Brussels, Meeting room JAN 4 Q 1