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Online event: From Open Software to Open Culture

Published on: 22/09/2021 Event Archived

On 23 September 2021 between 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. (EST), the UN Office of Information and Communication Technologies and the UN Office of the Technology Envoy and the Digital Public Goods Alliance are hosting a virtual webinar on open source software and open culture, as well as opportunities and challenges regarding how open source is supporting the United Nations’ work.

From Open Software to Open Culture


From Open Software to Open Culture

The objective of this event is to explore the potential of open source technologies in the work of the United Nations, particularly in the development of new ideas on how open source can be used to co-create innovative solutions in response to global challenges.

The panel discussion will provide a forum for UN personnel, experts, and open source specialists to discuss and share ideas on how to increase awareness regarding the opportunities afforded to users of open source, as well as to discuss potential challenges. The event also aims to start a dialogue between the UN and external bodies on how to support the development of collaborative platforms to inform policy and decision making.

The list of panelists counts members of various universities and international organisations, including Ms. Natalia Aristimuno Perez, Director of Digital Services at the European Commission (DG DIGIT).

Online registration is mandatory.