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Open Research Webinars

Published on: 30/10/2023 Event
The webinar is held online, a link will be provided for registered participants.

Co-organized by OW2 and the Eclipse Foundation, the Open Research Webinar series provides a brief introduction to selected software research projects that are helping to shape the future of open source software and the IT industry. The webinars focus on international partners leveraging open source in European publicly-funded collaborative research and innovation programs.

The next episode will take place online on November 7 at 4PM CET. Registration is free:

The agenda includes a presentation of Cryptpad, the open source end-to-end encrypted collaborative office suite, by David Benqué (XWiki) and a presentation of TRISTAN: Together for RISc-V Technology and ApplicatioNs by Rob Wullems (Eroobe).



IntroductionMarco Jahn and Olivier Bouzereau16:00 - 16:15 (CET)

CryptPad; end-to-end encrypted collaborative office suite David Benqué16:15 - 16:35 (CET)

TRISTAN: Together for RISc-V Technology and ApplicatioNs Rob Wullems16:35 - 16:55 (CET)

Wrap up Olivier Bouzereau and Marco Jahn16:55 - 17:00 (CET)

Physical location
The webinar is held online, a link will be provided for registered participants.