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A successful year for a self-service and webforms solution in Denmark

Always the user first in this self-service IT-solution

Published on: 15/12/2020 Last update: 08/05/2021 News Archived

The Danish self-service solution, which places public self-service first and webforms second, has had a great year. Organisation around it has become more stable and with the coming features 'Flow' it will become easier for public organisations to create re-usable flows for public digital self-service.

Webforms and Public Self-Service, Kelly Sikkema (from Unsplash)


In OS2forms, users from public organisations can create digital self-service webforms for citizens, companies, and staff. OS2forms has in 2020 gone from a single-municipality project to having a well-functioning coordination group constituted by four Danish municipalities.

During the past year, OS2forms has been shown around the country and demonstrated here and there. Multiple municipalities have shown their interest in the solution, including the nine municipalities which have already signed up for participation and use of the platform.


New features in 2020

These are the updates that this IT-solution has aimed for in 2020:

  • Improving accessibility
  • Improving user experience
  • Fixing minor bugs
  • Introducing new standard components in the installation profile.

This Drupal-platform was upgraded in the early 2020 to Drupal 8 and webform 5.0. In 2021, it will be upgraded to Drupal 9 since Drupal 8 has end-of-life in November 2021.


The new and coming developments

The functionality ‘Flows’ is among the larger changes in OS2forms in the coming 2021. With the Flows feature, it will be possible to make reusable flows in a self-service solution. Several parties will be included in this feature: Citizens, companies, staff members and managers.

The coordination group has put great work into concept development and to specify the Flow update. The development of this feature has started in December 2020. The release is expected to be Q1-2021.

Another coming feature is compatibility with and integration to several EDSH-systems (electronic case and document handling), for instance GetOrganized.


The next year’s vision

The coordination group has several goals for 2021, including:

  • Increased user friendliness through better documentation, sharing of knowledge and improvement in the design.
  • Concept development and specification of the epic for ‘portal for sharing’.

Their ambition is to offer a better and cheaper solution than the exciting commercial solutions. OS2forms’ coordination group sees self-service as primary and webforms as secondarily, which places the end-user in front, and not as opposite as often seen today.



Final take-aways

  • OS2forms is an OS2-product for public bodies in which users can create webforms and self-service solutions.
  • Newest update will be the feature Flow for creating usable flows in digital self-service.
  • The intentions for the next year is better documentation, design, and knowledge sharing.