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Italy’s growing catalogue of open source software

The answer to everything

Published on: 07/09/2019 News Archived

There are now 42 open source software solutions available in Italy’s Catalogo del riuso (Reuse Catalogue), announces Developers Italia, the developer arm of Team Digitale, the country’s digital government transformation project. The latest additions to the list includes two projects from the environmental protection agency of the Piedmont region.

For each open source solution in the Reuse Catalogue, Developers Italia adds a brief summary and images. The organisation also takes care to provide links to the documentation, the source code and other useful resources such as a development roadmap.

Screenshots provided by Italy’s Reuse Catalogue, which show the OpeNoise app
Screenshots provided by Italy’s Reuse Catalogue, which show the OpeNoise app.

Screenshots provided by Italy’s Reuse Catalogue, which show the OpeNoise app

Openoise Map is a noise pollution plugin for the Qgis geographic information system. The plugin calculates noise levels for roads and buildings, pinpointed on a geographic map.

The Piedmont environmental protection agency also developed OpeNoise meter, a mobile application to measure noise levels. The app is available for Android and iOS devices.

The smartphone application is “not intended for professional use, it does not guarantee an accurate noise measurement”, the agency warns on the project GitHub page. However, the software is reliable, following numerous lab and field tests to compare the results with professional noise level meters, the agency writes on its website. Smartphones appear to give a good response for ambient sound levels (45-80 dBA) in the frequency range 200-5000 Hz.

The map plugin and noise measurement solutions are published under the GPL version 3 licence. Development of the software was co-funded by the city of Turin, capital of the region.

Complete procurement

Another new entry in the Reuse Catalogue is cool-jconon, a document workflow system for procurement developed by Italy’s Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council). The software (Affero General Public License v3.0) all the phases of a public call, from the publication, to the presentation of the application, to arrive at the work of the commission (sic) and then to the assignment of scores and the publication of the rankings”, according to the project’s README file. The source code includes a (Apache Maven) list of dependencies, showing that the solution requires Apache Chemistry, Spring Boot and other source components.

Developers Italia also points to Idra, recently added to the Catalogo del riuso. Idra is an open data federation platform based on the open data portal software and CKAN DKAN and other open source components such as the Sparql query language. The project is one of the outcomes of the Fiware project which was co-funded by the European Commission.

More information:

Catalogo del riuso (Reuse Catalogue)
