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Croatian president supports free software conference

Croatian president supports f…

Published on: 23/02/2013 News Archived

Croatia's President Ivo Josipovic is providing support to a conference organised by two free and open source advocacy groups, the Croatian Linux User Group (Hrvatska Udruga Linux Korisnika, HULK) and the Croation Association for Open Systems (HrOpen). The president accepted the groups' invitation to become the conference honorary patron.

The two advocacy groups met the president in Zagreb on 21 January. "We briefed President Josipovic on the benefits of using open standards and the use of free and open source software", explains Ivan Gustin, HULK's chairman. "He appreciates our activities and efforts, especially in getting this type of software accepted by Croatia's public sector."

The two advocacy groups are planning their 20th annual conference, the 'Days of Open Computer Systems - Croation Linux Users' Convention 2013. It will take place in Zagreb from 15 to 17 May.

HULK is an association promoting the use of open standards and open source solutions. It represents both professional and amateur users and developers of this type of software. Hr Open promotes and encourage the development of open IT systems and and an open Internet in Croatia. Its members include several of Croatia's universities.

More information:
HULK news item (in Croatian)
HrOpen news item (in Croatian)
Croatian Linux Users' Convention 2013