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Finnish University of Applied Sciences Offers Free Courses to Support Open-Source Business Uptake

English "mini-courses" focus on business development with OSS

Published on: 16/02/2024 Last update: 07/03/2024 News
A woman using computer and drinking coffee
Photo by Andrew Neel.

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) and  the Finnish Centre of Open Systems and Solutions (COSS) have developed a series of lectures on the potential of open-source technologies for small businesses' digital transformation efforts and business development. These six “mini-courses” are a result of Open MemoryLab project, which aimed on fostering systematic uptake of open source for digital industries. These six "mini-courses" emerged from the Open MemoryLab project, which sought to encourage the systematic adoption of open source within digital industries.

The project worked closely with companies to better explore and understand the possibilities and skill needs related to open-source technologies in businesses. The content of the micro-courses are built on the feedback and input received from business collaborators of the project.

While the project primarily operated in Southern Savo and engaged with local entrepreneurs in Finland, all online courses are freely available in English.

”We believe that knowledge should be accessible to all, regardless of geographical boundaries. By offering these free teaching videos on Open Source Software, we're not just empowering individuals; we're fostering a global community of learners and innovators poised to drive positive change in the digital age”, says Sami Jantunen, Research Manager of XAMK.

Insights into Licensing and Business Models

The micro-courses are structured to provide foundational knowledge about open-source principles and applications, understanding both its advantages and potential challenges. The students are learning how to leverage open-source solutions tailored especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, discovering popular solutions across various industries and needs.

The lessons cover different licensing options, showing how to navigate legal considerations and compliance processes effectively. They also explore common business models associated with open source, offering guidance on selecting the most suitable approach and the participants gain insights into the development process, collaborative culture, and prevalent tools within open-source communities.

"These micro-courses serve as a cornerstone for fostering open source literacy across Europe, providing organisations and individuals alike with the tools to navigate and contribute to the open-source ecosystem” explains Timo Väliharju, the Executive Director of COSS and the instructor of the mini-courses.

“As Europe strides towards digital sovereignty, these resources offer invaluable insights for businesses, educational institutions, and governments to leverage open-source technologies for innovation, security, and competitiveness. By democratising access to open source education, we are laying the groundwork for a collaborative, resilient, and technologically empowered European community”

Open MemoryLab started in October 2022 and ran until the end of 2023. It was coordinated byXAMK and supported COSS and local businesses. The funding was organised and supported by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment of South Savo, the European Social Fund and REACT-EU.

Sign up for the mini-course:



Powen Shiah Wed, 06/03/2024 - 18:21

Could you add links to the courses directly on the English version of the Edufication website? The link in the article goes to the Finnish site, and when I switch to English it goes back to the home page, and I wasn't able to find them.

Jaakko Karhu
Jaakko Karhu Thu, 07/03/2024 - 11:29

Hi Powen, thank you for your comment. It is true that there is a bit of a Finnish barrier there. The courses can be found by scrolling down below the Finnish text, but I have added them also at the end of this article.

Powen Shiah Thu, 07/03/2024 - 13:05

Thanks for the quick response, that helps a ton -- and I definitely didn't notice that they were mixed in in the blocks at the bottom.