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OSOR Roadshow for Hungarian public administrators

OSOR Roadshow for Hungarian p…

Published on: 05/06/2009 News Archived


The team participates a number of international and national OSS conferences to disseminate information about our services and raise general awareness of OSOR.  One of our concerns with some of the conferences was, how we could better target, better reach the average public administrators, how to raise general awareness of open source solutions already proven in IT infrastructures. 

The Hungarian Roadshow was a first step of a planned series of Roadshows aiming to introduce the OSS way to the general public adminstations. Our goal with the roadshow was two fold: in the short term to introduce best practices and tools to help public administrators in their move toward open source.  In the long term, we hoped that the conference will also trigger a more generic discussion among a broader audience in Hungary about and would eventually create a level playing ground for F/OSS solutions in procurements and IT strategies.


Besides presenting the legal and technical tools which the European Commission provides to facilitate the re-use and sharing of open source solutions ( and EUPL) a number of international and Hungarian OSS cases were also presented to the participants, let me jus highlight the foreign ones (the full list of presentations can be found here



For, probably the most exciting announcement came from the Hungarian eGoverment Centre (represented by Mr. Bence Kópiás), announcing the opening of a national Knowledge Repository, with services and content similart to those of 


Stay tuned for the presentations and some pictures - they will be uploaded shortly.


the team