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UK: HMRC’s open data strategy and release of the Data Catalogue

UK: HMRC’s open data strategy…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 23/05/2014 News Archived

As part of this initiative, the Department has also released the Data Catalogue, an initial inventory of the datasets HMRC holds and processes. The catalogue is a refresh of the information released in the transparency implementation plan.

The Data Catalogue is an initial inventory of the datasets HMRC holds and processes. It is part of the UK Government’s commitment to greater transparency. It provides an initial view of the types of data the HMRV hold, and how they intend to treat them in line with the drive to improve accountability and promote social and economic growth.

This catalogue has informed HMRC's response to the Shakespeare Review and forms part of the National Information Infrastructure data inventory published on It is a combination of datasets used by HMRC for analytical purposes, information released as National Statistics and as part of our commitment to the Transparency Agenda, as well as information from administrative and corporate datasets used in the Department.

As part of our ongoing work on transparency, it is possible that updated versions of the HMRC’s Data Catalogue will be published at regular intervals.

Further information:

Original news article - UK Cabinet Office