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OS2iot is an open source network server intended to collect, enrich and distribute data from IoT devices. The product simultaneously offers monitoring of an IoT network and handling of the individual IoT devices, so that you can create an overview and take ownership of your own IoT data. OS2iot is agnostic which makes it possible to handle IoT devices across communication technologies such as LoRaWAN, NB-IoT and Sigfox, so that you are not limited to a single technology. With a distinct focus on being able to easily integrate with various suppliers' existing solutions, you get a core component in an IoT infrastructure.

As OS2iot is developed with an agnostic mindset, there is no longer a need to collect data from different network servers or feel limited to a single network technology. By having to monitor a single system and having an overall view of all your sensors and data sources, you get a better overview. This simplifies the work processes for the IoT managers, and there is an opportunity to create real governance in the work with IoT.

OS2iot was initially created with a focus on open and recognized standards for data and software, which creates a better foundation for future-proofing IoT data and thereby reducing the need for later collection, cleanup, and data cleansing.

OS2iot has a strong focus on:

  • Ownership and governance
  • Vendor independence
  • Collaboration
  • Security, privacy, and trust
  • Business support
  • Coherent processes
  • Data quality
  • Open and standardized interfaces
  • Development and maintenance
  • Economy
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OS2 - Public Collaboration & Open Source

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