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Quality Management System Project - INSA

The Quality Management System Project from INSA incorporated the following solutions associated with Quality Management, from various standards:

Document Management - The solution allows documents to be produced in any software and/or format. It makes it possible to request that a document be drawn up, automatically alerting the correct employee to do so. It allows you to collect opinions on the document until its final approval and automatic publication;

Management of Non-Conformities and Findings - The solution promotes the efficient recording and processing of non-conformities, findings and action plans in an expeditious manner, with systematic investigation of the predominant causes and respective costs, while also making it possible to verify the recurrence of causes. Planning and recording corrective, preventive and other actions should be easy and intuitive, with a methodology to avoid delays or failure to carry out planned actions, as well as the necessary evaluation of effectiveness;

Audit Management - The solution makes it easier to systematize the activities involved in planning and registering audits and automatically integrates with the findings processing module, enabling complete reports to be drawn up and the findings of audits, whether internal or external, to be identified; - Training Management (Human Resources) - The solution makes it possible to survey training needs, plan and record the implementation of and participation in training activities. Evaluating actions and their effectiveness is easy and intuitive, according to criteria defined by the organization in accordance with its methodologies. The training recorded for each employee is immediately associated with the employee's file, thus maintaining the history of the training received. This component is linked to the organizational structure (organization chart), employee records and roles and responsibilities; - Equipment management - The solution enables equipment management geared towards preventive maintenance plans and intervention records, as well as planning (fixed or automatic) and monitoring calibrations. The maintenance of equipment records, showing their characteristics and operational status and the immediate availability of manuals and technical documentation; - Risk Management - The solution allows risks to be identified, as well as the risk analysis model to be carried out, or even the creation of a model of its own. Once the model has been created, it is evaluated using predetermined criteria to calculate priority, with the aim of prioritizing corrective action in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements; - Customer Satisfaction - The solution provides a global view of Instituto Ricardo Jorge's customers and potential customers, from the points of interaction with all of INSA's technical-scientific departments, regardless of their position in the customer's life cycle; - Complaints Management - The solution enables the management and triggering of customer complaints; - Supplier Evaluation - The solution can be adapted to any method of evaluating and qualifying suppliers, and in real time it can check the performance of each supplier. In short, the project presented here is a valuable application of public resources, should be replicated and represents a good example of management. It applies open technologies with security, adaptability, integration and high availability, completely adapted to the new challenges of information and communication technologies and with the main objective of serving the end user with quality.


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Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP

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