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RIA - Regulatory Impact Assessment Platform

The Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is a systemic approach to critically assess the positive and negative effects of proposed regulations and summarize the amended or repealed provisions. It aims to digitalize the Legislative Procedure, providing an end-to-end solution, from the drafting of a law, to gathering the digital signatures of Ministers and to its final submission in the Greek Parliament for voting.

The digital platform developed by GRNET S.A. - National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance, is designed as a government-to-government (G2G) service for document and process management and is custom-designed according to the specifications of the regulatory impact analysis template, laid down in the Manual for the Scrutiny of the Effects of Legislation.

RIA platform gathers all impact assessment reports in a single point, adopting a structured format for the analysis contents, thus creating a knowledge base of all previous regulations' impact and guiding better regulation in the future. RIA platform and process adopt the OECD guiding principles and recommendations for regulatory quality and performance.

The platform's greatest advantage lies in the fact it allows multiple stakeholders to collaborate in the writing of the RIA report, to have continuous tracking of the changes and versioning, while higher-level administrators and control committees maintain the overall supervision and have the final word on the report before signing. It supports multiple report types (e.g. legislative act, urgent act, international conventions, amendments), handles the process from creation to publishing of the report, supports printing into PDF, and at the same time provides report statistics and user and role management.

RIA is important because it allows to control of the quality of the regulation, and is a step towards improving the competitiveness of the regulatory bodies. It supports evidence-based policy-making and improves transparency both within government and society. Finally, it describes the impact with simple language and data that are understandable for everyone and must be easily accessible.

Following the development phase, the platform is currently in user-testing phase. More than a hundred public servants have been granted access to the platform during their training and have had the opportunity to test real-world usability.

Moreover, GRNET S.A. has had the opportunity to collect and evaluate feedback to improve user experience design, functionality and usability of the platform during this testing phase.


RIA - Regulatory Impact Assessment Platform logo
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GRNET - National Infrastructures for Research and Technology

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