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Smart Data Services

Smart data as a solution using the VSDS ecosystem, the semantic specification (OSLO) and the technical specifications (LDES).

Working with data, one of the main challenges we face is the burden of harvesting data without or with insufficient metadata. Acquiring data from a wide range of sources and formats (from data dumps in zip files to various databases, services, APIs, etc.) makes it a terrible task to transform and convert the data in a structured, matching structure. Gaining no accompanying information about the data’s origin, context, or significance leads to misinterpreting data. In addition, working with outdated or incomplete information can lead to incorrect or misleading conclusions. As a result, there is a need for a specification where data is always up-to-date, metadata is included and can be easily linked with other data sets across the Web.

Smart data is data that has been processed and enriched with context, meaning and intelligence, making it more useful and actionable for decision making and problem solving. Smart data can help organisations achieve better outcomes, reduce costs, streamline workflows and improve customer experience.

The Smart Data Solution defined by the Flanders Smart Data Space, is to use Linked Data Event Stream (LDES), a new data publishing approach that allows any dataset to be published as a collection of immutable objects. Each object is described in RDF, a standard format for data interchange on the Web. The objective of LDES is to allow consumers to replicate the history of a dataset and efficiently synchronise with its latest changes.

LDES can be used to publish data from various sources and domains, such as sensor networks, version control systems, archives, etc. LDES can also enable forecasting and analysis of data streams using machine learning techniques.

OSLO (Open Standards for Linked Organisations), an initiative that aims to establish an open semantic information standard for data exchange between organisations. OSLO defines common vocabularies and models for describing different aspects of organisational data, such as persons, addresses, events, services, etc.

OSLO can help organisations achieve semantic interoperability, meaning that they can share and understand data across different systems and platforms. OSLO can also facilitate the development of innovative applications and services that use organisational data in a smart way.

In conclusion, smart data is a solution that can help organisations leverage their data assets and create value from them. By using LDES and OSLO, organisations can publish and consume data in a standardised, interoperable and intelligent way.

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Flanders Digital Agency (Digitaal Vlaanderen)

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