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SSPCloud: Empowering Data-Driven Innovation in France and Beyond The SSPCloud platform serves as a comprehensive ecosystem for data scientists, offering a blend of technical resources and community support to foster data-driven innovation. Developed and managed in-house by our team at INSEE, SSPCloud operates on an on-premises datacenter, equipped not just with conventional CPU/RAM capabilities but also with specialized GPU resources for advanced machine learning applications. The core of SSPCloud is the Datalab, a cloud-based workspace where users can deploy popular data science tools like Jupyter and RStudio. Additionally, it provides seamless data storage solutions through S3. The Datalab is an instance of our open-source software, Onyxia, for which we've submitted a separate application. Further enhancing the platform’s offerings is a Git Forge, based on a GitLab instance, and an extensive catalogue of data science training materials. What truly sets SSPCloud apart, however, is its dedicated community.

We facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing through online forums such as Tchap and Slack, where members can discuss data science topics and seek help. Our vision transcends mere service provision; we aim to cultivate a robust community of data scientists committed to using open-source technologies for data-oriented tasks. Thus, SSPCloud serves as a sandbox that not only allows for secure data analysis and training but also fosters collaboration and innovation, elevating the field of data science within France and Europe. This initiative has already garnered widespread adoption, including partnerships with several French universities, thus offering a secure, sovereign alternative to platforms like Google Colab. With over 1,000 unique users each month and growing, SSPCloud is successfully managing extensive computational resources and significantly contributing to the development of data science across organizations. For more information, visit SSPCloud:

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