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Tutao GmbH was founded in 2011 with the aim of restoring privacy online. Our mission is to enable everyone to store and manage their data entirely without tracking in the cloud. Today, the company, based in Hanover operates the most secure email and calendar service used by more than 10 million people worldwide: Tutanota.

The founders of Tutao, Arne Möhle and Matthias Pfau, are not only interested in privacy, but also in sustainability and fairness: 100% green electricity, a transparent salary and family-friendly working conditions are a matter of course for us.

We are pioneers in secure communication and rely entirely on open source technology. Now we are in the process of evolving our fully encrypted service into an encrypted platform. This project includes two important updates: we are developing quantum safe technologies for our open-source encryption as well as a quantum-safe encrypted online storage which will be integrated into Tutanota. As innovation leaders we understand that it is necessary to become quantum-safe now - long before the realisation of quantum computers. These powerful computers will be able to decrypt past data as well, so becoming quantum-safe is a matter of urgency. We must become quantum-safe as soon as possible, so that our open source technology will withstand attacks from quantum computers and protect all encrypted data.

Current email services as well as online storage applications are not designed with built-in quantum-resistant encryption, so protecting data from third parties is either impossible or very complicated.

Already today, Tutanota enables businesses and citizens to store, manage and share data securely in the cloud. Tutanota combines the advantages of the cloud (availability, cost efficiency, easy backup) with the advantages of self-hosting (security, data sovereignty). By integrating quantum-resistant algorithms now, this data will remain securely encrypted for decades to come.

To the left, there is an image - a red square with a winding white road. The text next to it reads "Tutanota", and underneath it there is a caption -   "privacy. done. right."
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Tutao GmbH

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