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A collective effort in exploring the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in the Public Sector

Public Sector Tech Watch Mapping Innovation in the EU Public Services

Published on: 29/04/2024 Last update: 14/05/2024 Document

Year: 2024

Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Digital Services (European Commission)

Personal author(s): Agustina BrizuelaMontino, CarloGalasso, GiovannaPolli, GiovanniBosch, Jaume MartinDe Vizio, LeonardoTangi, LucaCombetto, MarcoGori, Matteo

This report presents the Public Sector Tech Watch (PSTW), the observatory launched by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics (DG DIGIT) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to monitor and promote the use of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain in the public sector across Europe. PSTW serves as a knowledge hub and virtual space for stakeholders—including public administrations, the private sector, academia, and civil society—to access, share knowledge, and discuss the implementation of innovative public services. The observatory provides empirical evidence to better understand challenges and the effectiveness of these technologies in enhancing public administration functions. It also aims to foster a community for mutual learning and awareness at a European level. This report details the observatory's main features and summarizes data from over a thousand AI and Blockchain use cases in the public sector.

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Last update: 24/06/2024

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Andrea HALMOS Tue, 14/05/2024 - 12:02

The Commission has just published this study, with a wealth of knowledge on emerging technologies in the public sector; we hope you find it interesting!

Please share your thoughts with us; suggest new cases you are aware of and let us know what aspects of the study you would be interested to explore further in our future workshops.