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GovTech Connect and Public Sector Tech Watch: two European Commission’s initiatives contributing to public sector innovation

GovTech Connect and Public Sector Tech Watch: a comparison

Published on: 24/10/2023 Last update: 15/11/2023 News

Although there has been a mighty increase in the digitalisation of public services in the last years, technological innovations are currently under-embraced in the public sphere. This is relevant because the benefits of intertwining technology with the public sector are two-fold: they improve the efficiency of internal processes, but  also enhance service delivery and its relationship with citizens. This is why digital transformation of the public sector is a core component of the twin transition promoted by the EU, and this strategic objective (see Digital Decade 2030 targets on digital government) is made operational by several initiatives and investments at all levels.

PSTW and GovTech logos

Concretely, two recent EC initiatives have been launched to contribute to the progress of digital transformation of EU public administrations: these are the GovTech Connect and Public Sector Tech Watch. The table below compares both initiatives. The main differences are that, while GovTech Connect brings together the actors involved in the creation of digital public services and helps shaping their projects. Public Sector Tech Watch is an observatory that monitors and raises awareness of emerging technologies, within the European Public Sector.  GovTech Connect targets start-ups and SMEs, digital innovation hubs, public sector officials, investors, etc. that participate in the creation of innovative public services. At the same time the Public Sector Tech Watch serves as a knowledge hub, useful for all stakeholders interested in being informed of how emerging technologies can transform public services.



GovTech Connect and Public Sector Tech Watch compared


Govtech Connect

Public Sector Tech Watch

What is it? GovTech Connect community on Joinup bringing together start-ups, SMEs, public and private GovTech gamechangers, investors, civil society, academia and NGOs, etc. It allows them to exchange ideas, initiatives and best practices on the creation of technologies used by public authorities to deliver new and innovative public services. The Public Sector Tech Watch space on Joinup is an observatory dedicated to monitoring, analysing and disseminating information on the latest trends, developments, and innovations in emerging technologies within the Public Sector in Europe.
Who is the target audience? The community addresses SMEs, public and private GovTech initiatives, Digital Innovation Hubs, investors, civil society, academia, NGOs and other stakeholders interested in good practices, intelligence data, funding opportunities, news and events. It serves as a comprehensive resource for citizens, policymakers, government agencies, academics and professionals working in the Public Sector to stay informed about these technologies (e.g., Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Mixed reality, Big Data Analytics, etc.) that can transform Public Services and governance.
What resources does it offer?

Gov4Tech Connect counts with several resources and related initiatives to accomplish its mission:

  • It hosts networking events online and in presence, and promotes the latest news on the topic;
  • It contains a catalogue of GovTech initiatives ranging from hubs and labs to events, academia and research centres. The initiatives are accessible through an online searchable repository and a clickable map;
  • It will be linked to the  “GovTech4AI” Incubator , to help governments roll-out new digital services and promote innovative digital government solutions;
  • It shares strategic foresight insights, future-oriented policy recommendations, reports, publications and articles;
  • It organises and delivers boot camps and training courses for GovTech startups acceleration and methodology testing. The trainings aim to support the GovTech ecosystem by implementing the Design Thinking and service design approach, that place the needs of end users at the centre of the innovation process.

The Public Sector Tech Watch community hosts different resources:

  • Stories”, (e.g., short success stories, particular stories, stimulating stories) from the use of emerging technologies in the public sector;
  • A “Knowledge hub” that includes reports, articles, projects, etc. on the topic;
  • A vast number of “use cases” of how emerging technologies have been employed to deliver innovative public sector services across Europe. These use cases can also be submitted by third parties (e.g., Member States);
  • Updates on news and events relating to the observatory, including a best cases award, that will reward cases submitted by third parties. 

Thus, both GovTech Connect and Public Sector Tech Watch are complementary communities on Joinup aiming at increasing the uptake and awareness of innovative technologies within the public administration. The former initiative focuses on service providers that develop technologies for the public sector, while the latter is targeted to all stakeholders, including public servants, the private sector, academia, citizens, etc. Their joint efforts will be key to reduce the gap between individual ICT usage growth and public sector digitalisation.

Have you joined the two communities? Please feel welcome to write your feedback and suggestions by contacting us!

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Last update: 24/06/2024

GovTech Connect

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