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The State of European GovTech

Key Themes and players in EU GovTech Ecosystem

Published on: 02/12/2021 News

EU GovTech Public
In this report Public take stock of how the sector has grown and developed, reflecting on some of its clear successes and failures in the past few years. In particular, it looks at how COVID-19 has affected the trajectory of GovTech on the continent, and what the future of GovTech in Europe may look like as a result. The report reflects on findings from research conducted through interviews with GovTech stakeholders and decision-makers, and PUBLIC’s survey with GovTech startups. It captures the rapidly changing state of GovTech across Europe, where new and exciting digital sectors are emerging, and reflects upon the diverse attitudes of those who have helped to shape the sector.


The report contains:

  • Re-define what ‘GovTech’ means in 2021.
  • Highlight the key themes, players, and government initiatives across the European GovTech ecosystem.
  • Evaluate the size of the European GovTech Market in 2021.
  • Examine trends across different GovTech verticals, including HealthTech, SafetyTech, CleanTech, UrbanTech, and Digital Skills.
  • Propose 10 predictions on the future of European GovTech.