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Core Vocabularies WG Virtual Meeting 2011.12.01

Published on: 01/12/2011 Document Archived


Monday 01 December 2011, 14-17:00 CET (UTC+1) (world clock)

Audio connection: Dial Belgium (toll) +32 (0)24015454 Participant PIN: 46774596#

Web connection Web Login: 105380915  Participant PIN: 46774596#

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  • European Commission: Vassilios Peristeras
  • Core Person Task Force Chair: Greg Potterton 
  • Core Business Task Force Chair: Piotr Madziar
  • Core Location Task Force co-chairs:  Andrea Perego, Michael Lutz, Paul Smits
  • Scribe: Niels van Hee, Débora Di Giacomo
  • Editor: Phil Archer

Core Person

Agenda Item Owner Subject
Review Use Cases GP See list of use cases in the Core Person Vocabulary Section 
Concept Model GP In the light of the use cases, what changes, if any, do we consider necessary for the concept model that currently includes: 

Full Name 
Given Name 
Family Name 
Date of Birth 
Place of Birth  
Country of Birth 
Next steps/action items GP What should be achieved by the next meeting (Thursday 8th December) and by whom.

Core Business


Agenda Item Owner Subject
Review Business Use Cases PM Given the use cases, are we clear what problem the Business Core Vocabulary is going to help to solve? 
Requirements PM What requirements can we derive from the use cases
Action Items PM Assign action items to achieve progress by the time of the next meeting on 8/12 


Core Location


Agenda Item Owner Subject
Review Use Cases JRC Team Do the existing use cases cover the topic? Are more needed or would they be too repetitive for no actual gain? 
Requirements JRC Team What are the requirements that follow from the use cases? 
Action Items JRC Team Assign action items to achieve progress by the time of the next meeting on 8/12 

Meeting Minutes

CV WG Virtual Meeting 2011.12.01 - Minutes - v0.03.pdf

Nature of documentation: Conference-seminar-meeting proceeding


Type of document