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(A.) Policy and legislation

(A.1) Policy objectives

The initiative relates to the Commission’s policy and regulatory intervention to ensure a safe online environment and the respect of fundamental rights online. Meaningful transparency to users, regulators and third parties is a key enabler for this objective.

The clear, harmonised and, where appropriate, interoperable approach across services is key for a well-functioning single market for digital services, where start-ups can emerge and scale by proposing responsible innovations.

(A.2) EC perspective and progress report

A new regulatory framework addressing these objectives will be proposed through the Digital Services Act. The regulatory proposal includes harmonised obligations for content moderation processes and user redress, as well as a series of other due diligence obligations for meaningful transparency of platforms’ algorithmic systems, including online advertising. Standardisation work may facilitate interoperability and is needed to ensure that the technical design of systems and processes is efficiently and effectively implemented across all platforms and regulatory compliance in particular for newcomers is easily translated into technical requirements.

Such standards would need to rest on a broad and deep involvement of diverse stakeholders, including digital services and other businesses, and prominently including civil society focusing on digital and consumer rights. The availability of standards should facilitate the application of the regulatory provisions shortly after the entry into force.

(A.3) References

(B.) Requested actions

Action SDOs to look into standardisation needs that may arise from the Commission’s proposal for a new Digital Services Act.

(C.) Activities and additional information

(C.1) Related standardisation activities

IEEE has various standards and pre-standards activities that contribute to safety, transparency and due process online. The P7000 Series has relevant activities, including IEEE 7000-2021 - IEEE Standard Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns during System Design and IEEE P7001™ - Standards for Transparency of Autonomous Systems.

IEEE P2089 focuses on providing age appropriate digital services, and is based on the 5Rights principles which were developed with youth and children involved.It is based on the recognition that the user is a child, has considered the capacity and upholds the rights of children, offers terms appropriate to children, presents information in an age appropriate way, and thereby offers a level of validation for service design decisions.