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country code in distinguished name not ended with comma

Published on: 20/04/2010 Discussion Archived

The extracting of country code in getCountry method in STORKSAMLEngine class doesn't work for the Slovenian certificates, because in these certificates there is no comma after "C=si" in DN. I propose to add the line marked with MR.: int init = distName.indexOf(countryCode); int end = distName.indexOf(",", init); if (end < 0) end = distName.length(); //2010-04-19 MR I've also added the conversion to upper case a few lines below in the same method. I'm not sure if this is really needed but it doesn't hurt. In ISO the country codes are upper case. if (init < end && end >= 0) { result = distName.substring(init + countryCode.length(), end); result = result.toUpperCase(); //2010-04-19 MR. }

ProductSAML engine
Operating SystemNone
ComponentSAML engine

