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CR6 Repository. Change the cardinality of dct:modified to 0..1

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 05/01/2016 Discussion

The current cardinality of the property dct:modified obliges the metadata publisher to provide a value (i.e. it is a mandatory property). However, we have seen that this value is always outdated when not computed automatically by a system. Even in the latter case, this value is of no use for us and does not bring additional information.






Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 05/01/2016 - 14:41

Proposed resolution: Remove dct:modified from Asset Repository

NOTE: This is different from the proposal submitted by the Joinup team. The proposed resolution is based on the comment in the last sentence in the problem statement. In DCAT-AP, this property is recommended for Catalogue.

The proposal submitted by the Joinup team: Align the cardinality of the property dct:modified associated to the class adms:AssetRepository with DCAT-AP, i.e. make the property optional with a cardinality of 0..1 instead of 1..1.


Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 05/01/2016 - 15:00
Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 06/01/2016 - 17:54

Comment from Szabolcs Szekacs


+1 – but to be discussed with the Joinup + EFIR team.

In case of automatic updates, how shall the system determine which are the most recent updates?  Perhaps this information is indeed not needed, and joinup can simply overwrite any metadata with the newly received information, assuming that the newly received package is always the newest one.

Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 06/01/2016 - 17:55

I think in Drupal, every content will have a creation and last modification date. They don't need to be described in ADMS-AP. Everytime there is an import to update elements, we can check the time of import and compare with the existing version.

Makx DEKKERS Sun, 07/02/2016 - 12:32

If I read the comments well, the consensus seems to be that this property be dropped. We will remove it in the draft version of the revised profile. Of course, further comments are welcome.

Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/02/2016 - 10:12

+1 @Makx

Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 15/02/2016 - 15:47
