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Measure: average time to close support tickets

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 04/06/2012 Discussion Archived

page 23, measure "average time to close support tickets"
-> the description should be changed to clarify that for purposes of
this metric, support tickets should not be considered "closed" until
an adequate response has been provided, regardless of whether e.g. the
ticket might have been marked as "closed" in the bug-tracking system





Human Language Specification


stijngoedertier (not verified) Wed, 13/06/2012 - 19:52

This definition may be correct and clarifies the intended semantics, but it may be hard to enforce. I propose keeping this out of the definition.

stijngoedertier (not verified) Fri, 29/06/2012 - 17:16

Kept implicit. The meaning of "adequate" response would be under too much debate...