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Use case: metadata categorization

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 03/06/2012 Discussion Archived


page 9, metadata category "People":
-> The category name "People" is capitalized. Is this intentional?

page 10, metadata category "format", metadata property "topic":
-> For this metadata property, the description "type of software"
is given. I find this confusing. In my understanding, "type of
software" is something entirely different from its topic. For
example, for a given program, I might answer a question about the
"type of software" as "an application program that is locally
installed on this PC", while I would answer a question about the
topic of this software as "text editing".

page 10, metadata category "accessibility":
-> The term "accessibility" is normally understood in the sense of
"accessibility to people with disabilities". I propose that the
"access URL", documentation and homepage metadata properties should
be moved to the "availability" metadata category, and that experts
on the field of accessibility to people with disabilities should be
consulted to obtain guidance on what metadata properties are in the
area of accessibility.

page 10, metadata category "interoperability credentials":
-> "related asset" is not a good name for a metadata property to
express "the specification implemented by the software". I propose
to use "interop spec" as name for the metadata property.
-> Change "the specification implemented by the software" to "a
specification implemented by the software", since complex software
assets implement multiple interop specs.

pages 11, 14, 15, 18; sections 3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2:




Use Cases