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e-CERTIS as an example

Published on: 04/06/2016 Discussion

in the examples we cite the ESPD as the frst example, while e-CERTIS would have been a more suited example, since the correspondence between criteria and evidences is stated in e-CERTIS.

In the ESPD we find only a self declaration that a subject meets the criteria and can show some evidences.

e-CERTIS is a data model that acts at the level of classes, defining which kind of evidences are suited to support the fulfillment of a criterion

The ESPD acts at the level of individuals, stating that X can show evidences that he fulfills some criteria.

The ESPD has the name of the Economic operator taht fulfills the criteria and this is missing in our data model.

The ESPD XML file acts as the glue that links the fulfillment of criteria wiht the specific evidences.

This glue is missing in our model.






oriol (not verified) Fri, 18/11/2016 - 17:19
oriol (not verified) Fri, 18/11/2016 - 17:23

The eCERTIS could be a good example for the CCCEV document, but most of the work has been done with the ESPD. 


The model does not contain the party that fulfils the evidences, nor the party that issues the criterion.