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CPSV-AP Validator
European Commission - ISA Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations
Supra-national authority
Contact information
Christophe Parrein

[This tool has been moved to the Interoperability Test Bed and can be accessed via this link.]

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Technical Documentation
  3. Deployment
  4. Adaptability


The CPSV-AP Data Validator validates the compliance of descriptions of public services against the requirements of the CPSV-AP. A user can upload a dataset containing public service descriptions and check that it complies with the CPSV-AP, highlighting potential errors and inconsistencies such as conflicts in data formats, missing mandatory classes and properties or incorrect relations between classes. This provides public administrations with feedback on identifying, avoiding and resolving potential inconsistencies, thus improving the quality of their public service descriptions, enhancing harmonisation.

The test implementation of the CPSV-AP Data Validator allows the user to import machine-readable files described in RDF/XML and RDF Turtle. This data can be imported by uploading the relevant files, either via a URI or by direct input. In addition, the CPSV-AP Data Validator API allows systems and software programs to remotely send public service descriptions for validation against the CPSV-AP. 


cpsp-ap validator tool


Technical Documentation

This section provides the technical details of the test implementation of the CPSV-AP Validator Tool. The CPSV-AP Validator uses a rule file to check the loaded public service descriptions. After validation an overview is given with all the rules that were violated.

The figure below provides a simplified schema on how the CPSV-AP Data Validator works.


technical validator


As can be seen, the technical architecture consists of:

  • The user interface of the CPSV-AP Validator consists of HTML pages that include JavaScript files to load the rules;
  • The Virtuoso database as the triple store where all descriptions are stored, and
  • The Validator, which can be called via the API from within systems or software programmes.


Web server

The quickest and easiest way to use the tool is by accessing the deployed test implementation of the CPSV-AP Validator tool on the Amazon Web Server. It can be accessed here.

Please note that the web server is only to be used for testing purposes.

Local deployment

The code of the test implementation of the Validator tool is available on GitHub here.

For detailed steps for deployment, please refer to our guide, which can be downloaded here.


The CPSV-AP Data Validator can be easily adapted by updating the validation rules. It can also be reused to validate other data models by changing the rules according to the definition of the data model.

In the event that a programmer wishes to update the CPSV-AP for a new version of the specification, or to validate another data model, they simply have to modify the “cpsv-ap.txt” file with the new rules.

More information on the general design of the tool and its uses can be found here. The document also contains detailed steps on how to deploy, adapt and configure the tool for your local installation.
Release date: 16/11/2017

CPSV-AP Validator

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