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Discover and download new StatDCAT-AP release 1.0.1!

StatDCAT-AP 1.0.1

Published on: 28/05/2019 News

We would like to announce the update of the StatDCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (StatDCAT-AP) and share with you the highlights of this release!

What’s new?

This new version 1.0.1 implements bug fix changes to StatDCAT-AP version 1.0 addressing comments received via GitHub:  

  1. Aligned the use of the dcterms and dct prefixes in StatDCAT-AP version 1.0.1 in Annex VIII.2 as in StatDCAT-AP-1: @prefix dcterms: has been changed to @prefix dct:
  2. Updated Annex VI, SDMX structural metadata example as in StatDCAT-AP-2. In order to avoid any ambiguity, URIs are used instead of keywords for DCAT-AP and StatDCAT-AP.
  3. Updated references to Publications Office Metadata Registry as in DCAT-AP-54 and in Table1, Column Vocabulary name for all rows containing MDR: MDR has been changed to EU Vocabularies.
  4. Updated DCAT-AP UML schema as in DCAT-AP-50 by changing the order of startDate and endDate in dct:PeriodOfTime.

Discover and download version 1.0.1 in our StatDCAT-AP solutions space

What was the process?

In April 2018, the ISA² Programme of the European Commission started the bug fix release cycle for DCAT-AP and StatDCAT-AP aiming to address requests for change received by users through the GitHub repository. A public review was organised in line with the Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT-AP. StatDCAT-AP Working Group members and users were invited to share their comments by the 24th of May 2019.