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Controlled Vocabularies for Life Events Type

Joinup Admin
Published on: 21/04/2016 Discussion Archived

The event class (and therefore the business and life event classes) have a property of type. We need to either identify or define: 

  1. a single controlled vocabulary for life events;
  2. a core set of life events that can be extended
  3. advice on choosing/defing such a list.

The Italian work defines 4 possible values: Closing, Doing, Starting, Starting Cross Border






Bart HANSSENS Tue, 26/04/2016 - 15:29

Perhaps also include "Closing Cross Border" ? Might not be that useful, but seems reasonable as counterpart of "Starting Cross Border" 

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 26/04/2016 - 20:58

I think we should find a balance between proposals 2 and 3. Start by defining/choosing one controlled vocabulary that can be extended regionally and advice to use those extensions if possible.

It should be possible for a region/country to define new life events (for the organisation of public services is after all mainly a regional matter, though I'm confident there is a very great common ground).

With regards to the content of such a 'NAL', DG MARKT (EC) has already developed an ontology that describes the domain of Citizens’ Life Cycle Events. That would be a good start. See Please re-use (and if possible do that with the resources within Europe).

A few more interesting things in addition:

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 04/04/2017 - 16:37