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Errors on the second draft of the CPSV-AP

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 18/09/2017 Discussion Archived


The following errors were raised by Dieter De Paeper through the mailing list:
  • I see some confusion regarding the identifier attribute. From a previous joinup issue, I understood this as listing which entities should have explicit URIs as identifiers. They were things present in the diagram, but not actual properties. 
    Now I see the current document maps them to dct:identifier (and specifying URI as range instead of Literal as dct specifies).
    I suggest simply removing the identifier from both diagram and attribute listings to avoid confusion. Alternatively, remove them from the attribute listings and clearly state what is meant by them in the diagram.
  • The Related Documentation property is mapped to foaf:Document, which is a class.
  • The Is Decribed At property still has cardinality 0..1 - I feel this should be 0..n, see this joinup issue.

Proposed solution

The errors listed below will be corrected in the next version of the CPSV-AP.



