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Extending the Processing Time property of a Public Service

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Published on: 31/03/2016 Discussion Archived

In CPSV-AP_IT the property Processing Time of a Public Service has been extended by adding QuantitativeValue and a MeasurementUnit.






philarcher (not verified) Thu, 31/03/2016 - 16:08

An alternative approach would be to use the OWL Time Ontology's method of describing a duration. See (This doc is now under development at W3C to make it a formal standard but basics like duration descriptions are not expected to change - they're too well established and widely used.)

Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 12/04/2016 - 12:18

Perhaps 'Duration' or 'Time period' or 'Legal period' terms , are a more accurate approach for Time property and it would apply to services  without "processing step"; i. e. services that only provides information but with a 'life period' for the information provided

philarcher (not verified) Thu, 21/04/2016 - 15:46

As well as OWL time, other alternatives include:

  • ISO8601 durations, e.g. P1M for one month. This works if we want to give a duration, but not things like opening hours.
  •'s opening hours property/value syntax, e.g. Tu,Th 16:00-20:00, meaning Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-8pm.

As values for processing time, the ISO-8061 method looks appropriate. For opening hours, the approach seems a better fit. Therefore, that's the proposal:

  • Use ISO-8601 periods for processing time (schema:processingTime requires this)
  • Use's openingHours and its syntax for values.

But does this cover the motivations for the properties created for the CPSV-AP-IT?

philarcher (not verified) Thu, 21/04/2016 - 15:51

The previous definition of the processing Time property said: "This property represents an indication of time needed for executing a Public Service. This can be a time range, average time, exact time for execution or any other indication of time" - is that flexibility desirable?

philarcher (not verified) Thu, 12/05/2016 - 17:16

The model circulated by e-mail on 12/5/16 does this.

philarcher (not verified) Thu, 19/05/2016 - 19:18

I made a mistake, this is about Processing Time, not Period of Time in which the service is available. Inspired almost entirely by the Italian experience, I propose the following:

The Processing Time Class

This class represents the time it takes to operate a Public Service for a given client. This can be a time range, an average time, an exact time for execution or any other indication of time. The actual information is provided by a combination of three properties in addition to the usual identifier. They indicate the number and unit of time (e.g. 3 days) plus an indication whether this is an average time, an exact time or a maximum time.

Identifier [1..1]

This property represents a formally-issued Identifier for the Processing Time.

Measurement Unit [1..1]

This property indicates the unit of time using a controlled list of values: Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years.

Quantitative Vale [1..1]

This property provides the number of units.

Type [1..1]

The type property of the Processing Time class uses a controlled vocabulary to indicate whether the indicated period is: exact, minimum, maximum or average.

Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 23/05/2016 - 15:28

Dear all

Given the broad use of microdata and I suspect that in practice, and thus ISO8601 notation for duration, is often used and that this usage will only increase, e.g. on government websites.

Can such notation still be used in this proposal? Maybe I am missing some cases which cannot be covered using 'Duration', but I can't think of any right now.



philarcher (not verified) Mon, 23/05/2016 - 15:36

We can certainly use ISO8601 Durations - which I'd favour *except* that we need, I think, a way of expressing whether the processing time is a minimum, maximum or average.

In fact, includes a class of ServiceChannel that has a property of processingTime for which the definition is 'Estimated processing time for the service using this channel.' If that's sufficient for our needs then I agree that the simplest thing would be just to use that. If we can address that 'if' then I'm all for it.

philarcher (not verified) Thu, 09/06/2016 - 21:35

Resolved on 24/5/16 to just use estimated processing time. Local implementations can add further details if required.

philarcher (not verified) Wed, 06/07/2016 - 13:56

Coming back to this issue, it seems that there is no requirement to indicate whether a period is minimum, maximum or typical. Therefore the simple solution suggested by Thimo and used by seems the most appropriate. explains the syntax clearly.