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ShowVoc V. 1.2.1 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 28/03/2022 Last update: 22/04/2024

We are happy to announce that a new minor release of ShowVoc was published in March.

V. 1.2.1 brings a number of improvements in areas like:

  • security aspects in relation with Log4j vulnerability
  • connection of remote repositories
  • integration with websites
  • user interfaces

The development teams also had great success in improving the indexing mechanism and as a result a dramatic increases of the speed of search functions will be clearly visible for the end users.

The new version had passed thru a series of tests inside the Publications Office of the European Union (OP) and will be put in production in the first half of April on the standard production instance of OP at 

For users who intend to test directly of deploy independent instances, ShowVoc v.1.2.1 can be downloaded from: art-uniroma2 / showvoc / Downloads — Bitbucket