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VocBench3 10.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 30/09/2021 Last update: 22/04/2024

VocBench 3 v10.0 is now available and can be downloaded from

VocBench 3 v10.0 includes the following features

  • History Based Time Machine: a time machine to reach any single point in time of the evolution of resources in VocBench
  • Support for localization: multilingual user interface
  • Multiple named graph management: possibility to switch the graph being edited
  • New connector for the collaboration tool to Freedcamp
  • OWL inconsistency detector
  • An even more expressive and usable Sheet2RDF
  • Introduction of the UNDO action, even in collaborative mode
  • Project virtual directories based on features and facets and multilingual labels for project names
  • A new practical fixed-format for spreadsheet import/export
  • Selectable automatic activation of projects at system start-up
  • Several improvements in the support for SHACL

and improvements

  • Updated angular and bootstrap libraries
  • Update of all extensions to the new extension framework and of all settings to the new settings format