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VocBench3 4.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 27/09/2018 Last update: 22/04/2024

The new version, VocBench3 (v. 4.0), includes:

  • An improved ResourceView,
  • The possibility to create resources when enriching a property,
  • The final version of the Collaboration System,
  • The final version of the of Sheet2RDF,
  • Support  for OntoLex projects ,
  • A Datatype panel in Data page,
  • A new search-mode for exploring Concepts and LexicalEntries,
  • A customizable view for the concept tree hierarchy ,
  • An additional button for deprecating a resource in tree/list panel toolbar,
  • The management of UsersGroup and their constraints on ConceptSchemes,
  • A search-assisted alignment feature,
  • An "advanced search", and a "custom search" based on parameterized queries,
  • An improved search by adding two new search modes ("exact" and "fuzzy") and a "use notes" parameter,
  • An improved SPARQL editor,
  • A UI for the management of MetadataRegistry,
  • Rearranged "Metadata Management" and "Namespaces and Imports" sections,
  • New Extensions in place of the old plugins,
  • Improved settings and configurations,
  • A possibility to store and load an RDF Data exporter chain,
  • A UI for RdfFormatter and Deployer in the data exporter,
  • An additional importer and lifter for zThes format,
  • An improved UI for changing the system administrator and email configuration,
  • A feature to change passwords,
  • The possibility to change the credentials of remote repositories.